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Married the Navy and the man who joined in April 2004. We have 3 awesome kids. The Navy keeps us moving, we spent 5 years in Hawaii and are currently doing a 3 year stretch in San Diego, and I can't wait to see where we end up next.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Clarion of Destiny series by Franz McLaren

Before I begin, let me start by saying this series was recommended to me by my mother.  She and I, we banter back and forth alot about books and every now and then, we share a series that the other absolutely loves.  This series however, is still up in the air for me.  Now, I was happy that I didn't actually have to buy any of them, they were lend me books so I got them from my mom.  The first book "Home Lost" was interesting.  It started out with our young Leena alone in the woods waiting for something special to happen to her.  Once it does she sets her travels back home to find her town in ruins and everyone missing. Frantic, she begins her travel towards civilization hoping to find someone with answers.  It quickly faded into nothing more than a life story of a boy she meets in a tavern who agrees to be her travel companion.  That's really all there was in the first book.  The second book "To Save Elderon" has her a wanted fugitive from the law in order to be easily captured and any threat she poses to be removed.   Gradually throughout the book they find out that there is an impending war and seek to prevent it.  It was at this point in the series that my mind screamed "Lord of the rings"  with Orcs, goblins, and magic.  I began the third book "Beyond the Horizon" where Leena and her companions set out on what sounds like a trip across the Mojave desert.  Followed by furry beasts and of course the orcs come into place, it really screamed "Lord of the rings" but I have to admit this volume in the series was probably one of the ones I enjoyed.  Once that enjoyment was over, I began book 4 "Welcome to Kalder" this volume brings the group of travelers to their destination so many man miles from home.  It is here that Leena begins her training to become a more powerful witch/sorceress in hopes of defeating the threat that has taken her people and country.  In this novel, they make a few friends and are guilted into assisting with prevention of yet another war. It was in this novel that traces of "The Lord of the Rings" ceased.  I didn't care for this particular novel as much but it was necessary to read if I was to understand the other volumes that followed.  Begin book 5 "Into the Demon Realm".  This volume has Leena trampling straight into Neigal, a demon realm (other dimension) where she has been lead to believe her family and people are being held captive.  This volume was probably my favorite of all 8. The action and the adventure of this particular volume was fantastic and made me want to keep going.  The plot was great, the ending was better.  then I began volume 6 "Sire Demon".  I also enjoyed this novel.  Here we find Leena traveling back into Neigal to attempt to cut off the power of the Sire Demon (father demon) that has been released into her world.  Hoping to restore hope to the humans that have been under the Sire Demon's rule for so long, Leena and her companions begin their trek back to the city to gather support and end the suffering once and for all.  Book 7 "Return to Allivan".  We start out with the group traveling back to their own country of Allivan.  The book gets them across much faster this time, but that's to be expected, after all, we experienced all the threats and hardships in book 3.  This novel brings Leena back to square one.  Back to the Garlan tree that started her journey (at this point) 7 years ago.  The group begins at the beginning and starts the trek all over again only to find things are of course different 7 years later.  Towns have changed, the control of power has shifted from mayor to mayor and magistrate to magistrate.  But things for Leena never change.  There of course is another war.  (what is with these people and the word war?)  She feels her civic duty to step in and help towns that are ruled by unjust authority and carries on till there is another damsel in distress town.  (can you tell it wasn't one of my favorites?)  I finally get to book 8 "Journey's End" (title is fitting, is it not?)  I have to be honest, at this point I'm reading it just to finish the story.  I cannot just stop in the middle even if I am bored with it. Once again my mind starts screaming "Lord of the Rings"   the Orcs and Goblins are back, there's a special girl that threatens a mighty wizard and he has taken the country and her family in hopes of her surrendering her power so that he goes unopposed (Hi there Frodo).  Of course there is a war.  Leena has to risk everything to stop it and hope that she is successful or everything she knows is doomed.  She fights Goblins, and travels some more.  I won't give away the ending.  As glad as I was that there wasn't a book 9.  I was rather upset and disappointed that the author didn't answer ANY questions that the reader would have.  Once again, I won't tell you what those questions were, but I assure you, they deserved attention.  I cant' really say NOT to read this series.  I mean for the most part it was worth it.  A few of the volumes I felt didnt' belong in the series, but that is me, perhaps you all feel otherwise.  My mom rather enjoyed this series or she wouldn't have told me about it.  I would have preferred to see more development in her relationship with Darius, the young lad I mentioned in Book 1, where the story turned into his life's story.  And like I stated above, I did really enjoy a few of the volumes in this series. So if you do find time to indulge in Leena's tale, please share with me your input.  I'd love to hear it.